Crosslake Insights

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The fact that Susan Wojcicki leaving YouTube was a newsworthy event is bittersweet. After several years, it’s common for a CEO to move on, but women in top executive positions in technology companies are rare enough that any departure becomes significant. It was a notable loss of representation for all women in tech. It was […]

Crosslake lead practitioner Elisabeth Embry recently appeared on The Bladen Group’s Women Thriving in Business podcast to discuss what helps a business be successful in a constantly changing technology workplace. Elisabeth examines what strategies and options can be employed to help leaders achieve company goals. In addition, she highlights the importance of: She also shares […]

Donell Peters, Crosslake lead practitioner, recently spoke on Toni Collis’ Leading Women in Tech podcast on the role that Agile methods can play in improving a team’s performance. In this discussion, she shares the challenges of an Agile rollout and how to overcome them, her experiences as a fractional CTO and how to get started […]

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