Crosslake Insights

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Recently, a SaaS company within the financial technology industry acquired a competitor and launched an initiative to merge both companies’ critical customer-facing applications and data. This was the latest in a series of acquisitions, leaving the company with several platforms that needed migrating. In this post, we will explore the problems that hampered the company’s […]

In recent years, a large and successful software-as-a-service (SaaS) company experienced tremendous growth, and with that growth, expanded its software development organization rapidly (~300% in 18 months). To enable the fastest growth possible, the company adopted a distributed development stance that saw code development functions and staff spread across multiple countries on three continents. Distributed […]

Many companies are looking to platform-as-a-service (PaaS) infrastructure, to enable faster, standardized and more cost-efficient software development across their organization. Yet, some organizations get stalled shortly after implementation. At Crosslake Technologies, we have seen confusion at many companies who have implemented PaaS solutions, struggling with the question of “Now what?”. In this post, we review […]

Agile software development is a proven and effective model for software creation. Millions of software engineers understand and have seen the benefits of developing software in this way.  Agile has advantages of increased collaboration, higher quality and improved morale, to name a few. For less technical people, however, what does this mean to the business […]

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