Crosslake Insights

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The elephant in the room for many technology companies is their legacy software. Revenues are reasonable, but there is lots of potential for growth. The problem is that the elephant prevents further growth at an accelerated pace. Replacing a legacy product or service is no easy task. To replace or not to replace is often […]

The Scaled Agile Framework, or SAFe, is a complex beast with many roles and activities strewn throughout the model. Our clients have told us that it is difficult to keep everything straight and that the learning curve for what happens when is steep. In fact, some have asked us for a roles and responsibilities matrix […]

Things not going quite right with your Agile implementation? Want to learn about some common Agile problems before you get started? Crosslake has collected years of experience on Agile anti-patterns and collected them in a short eBook entitled “Agile Snafus.” Learn how to resolve common issues such as lack of management commitment, the supporting quality […]

“There is no documentation in Agile!” Documentation is one of those necessary evils in software development, particularly for teams that use remote development centers and need to rely on written communication more. We periodically hear the excuse, “We are doing Agile — we don’t need no stinkin’ documentation!” This is a misinterpretation of the Agile […]

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