Crosslake Insights

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Things not going quite right with your Agile implementation? Want to learn about some common Agile problems before you get started? Crosslake has collected years of experience on Agile anti-patterns and collected them in a short eBook entitled “Agile Snafus.” Learn how to resolve common issues such as lack of management commitment, the supporting quality […]

“There is no documentation in Agile!” Documentation is one of those necessary evils in software development, particularly for teams that use remote development centers and need to rely on written communication more. We periodically hear the excuse, “We are doing Agile — we don’t need no stinkin’ documentation!” This is a misinterpretation of the Agile […]

Status reporting is often a necessary evil in many corporate environments to keep stakeholders up to date on what is happening with a project. In our travels, we see a lot of weak status reports and generally help clear things up. While one could practically write a book on what makes a good status report, […]

Lately, I have seen some confusion at the level of testing that should be done when a daily build is generated. How do we know that the daily build is ready for general consumption? What’s the difference between BVT and smoke testing? Although general definitions vary throughout the industry, below, I will provide our definitions […]

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