Crosslake Insights

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In Part 1 of this post, “scalability” was defined and scalability issues with the software itself were described. In Part 2, we look at evaluating infrastructure for scalability (i.e., anti-patterns that commonly affect scale). The scale is primarily accomplished vertically Because of anti-patterns previously discussed, adding new application or database servers may be difficult. If […]

This article gives insight and analysis regarding container usage for dev pipeline of a software product built using microservices architecture. Innovative businesses are using a microservices approach because it enables the introduction of new applications that are independently deployable without disrupting the rest of the company. Context The microservice architecture provides excellent benefits for the […]

Having helped many clients on their journey to next-generation technology, we often tackle the issue of modernization strategies for legacy code and platforms within software development.  What is legacy code? The term “legacy code” can describe a variety of code conditions. The exact meaning of the term greatly depends on the developer’s perspective and the […]

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