Crosslake Insights

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M&A and technology insights

As legislation around cybersecurity tightens, the total cost of a ransomware attack may now include fines and penalties on top of other recovery costs. Waiting to take action until after a breach occurs is too big of a risk. Yet even as cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated in their attacks, businesses can take practical steps […]

Executives at large U.S. corporations are increasingly investing in process automation to address labor shortages and above-average turnover rates. According to a 2022 survey by UIPath, 78% of senior leaders surveyed noted that they expect automation investments to increase. We’re seeing similar trends among middle-market companies, as well. It’s hard to overlook the benefits of […]

With unprecedented levels of private equity dry powder, investment advisors are urging these businesses to begin exit prep now.

Crosslake earned Technology Due Diligence Provider of the Year at the 22nd annual Real Deals Private Equity Awards in London. The award recognizes Crosslake’s ability to create value for clients through unmatched insights into specific business issues and industry trends. “We’re honored to be named Technology Due Diligence Provider of the Year by the Real […]

With the global cost of cybercrime estimated at $8.4 trillion in 2022, governments feel rising pressure to take action with cybersecurity regulations designed to protect consumers. But for businesses affected by cybercrime, these new regulations may add insult to injury. Businesses targeted by cybercriminals already face disruption to their normal operations. It takes time and […]

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