A message from Crosslake

To our valued clients,

At Crosslake, we have a deep and abiding belief in doing what is right for our clients and our people. By staying true to our values, we are focused on what matters most — servicing our clients and helping them meet their business and safety goals through high-quality technical due diligence, value creation and sell-side efforts.

During this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to reach out and update you on how we are continuing to support our clients and the key actions we are taking:

Shifting to remote projects. In order to reduce the risk of spreading the Coronavirus, account managers and Crosslake certified practitioners are proactively reaching out to clients seeking to shift projects to remote access during this time of constrained travel. This adjustment also results in reduced project costs due to the elimination of travel costs and travel time, reducing your budget impact.

Remote project excellence. At Crosslake, remote projects are common practice — historically, 20% of our engagements have been fully remote. Our workforce is highly distributed and proficient at the use of teleconference solutions like Zoom. In addition, our remote planning and project execution techniques are highly effective without reducing project quality.

Continued onsite delivery. In situations where we are not able to shift to remote project delivery, we are taking appropriate steps to ensure we meet our clients’ ongoing onsite project needs while continuing our high delivery standards. Our employees are taking proper steps, as outlined by the CDC, when traveling and interfacing to keep our clients safe.

Virtual training and resources. In response to the growing number of client requests, we will be expanding our virtual resources by providing live webinars and training content to further your team’s continued transformation.

Crosslake remains unwaveringly committed to helping you meet your short- and long-term business goals.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your client relations contacts to discuss how best to support your needs.

Thank you for your continued loyalty. 

The Crosslake Team